
Ideal Concrete Block - a fourth generation family owned company!

At Ideal Concrete Block Co., every member of our team is a valued part of our family. From our plant and yard personnel, to our truck drivers, sales staff and everyone in-between, we have a diverse and committed employee base. If you are looking for a change, Ideal is always hiring in many of these positions throughout the company. Please fill out and submit an application. Competitive wages, full time schedules and outstanding benefits are just a few of the many reasons that you can feel comfortable working at Ideal- a company with over 100 years in business!

Ideal has opportunities for employment across two main locations and two businesses.

Ideal Concrete Block Co. – 45-55 Power Road, Westford, MA 01886

Ideal Concrete Block Co. – 232 Lexington Street, Waltham, MA 02452

True Value by Ideal – 232 Lexington Street, Waltham, MA 02452

Click here to fill out an application now!

 Please submit the completed application to or drop off at either our Westford or Waltham location.

Current Career Opportunities

Ideal is actively seeking applicants in the job positions below. However, Ideal always accepts applications for most positions in the company.

Job Location
On the road in Northshore/Cape Ann Massachusetts, based out of our Westford administrative offices

Position Type
Full Time

Job Shift
Monday – Friday

7am – 5pm

Job Summary
Our Outside Sales Executive is responsible for managing well-established accounts while cultivating business with new customers. They include: landscape, hardscape and site contractors, developers, design professionals, homeowners and wholesale accounts. The territory covers portions of North Shore and Cape Ann, MA.

Our Company embraces a consultative sales approach philosophy where our team acts as trusted advisors to customers by assisting them in identifying needs and providing meaningful advice and solutions that helps them achieve favorable outcomes when using Ideal’s products. The successful candidate must be able to establish and nurture trustful client relationships.

Traits and Required Skill Sets 

  • Strong work ethic coupled with persistence and determination to achieve favorable outcomes
  • Hardscape experience is helpful, conscientious and enthusiastic experienced individuals will be considered
  • Self- motivation, high energy
  • Ability to work in a team environment
  • Commitment to excellent service and customer satisfaction
  • Strong persuasive and interpersonal skills and a sales aptitude
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills and good math skills
  • Residence local to sales territory is essential
  • Bi Lingual (Spanish/ Portuguese- English) a plus
  • Possess a valid state motor vehicle operator’s license
  • Ability to pass a criminal background check and drug test

Compensation & Benefits

  • Salary plus commission
  • Auto reimbursement program
  • Gas Card
  • Cell Phone
  • Microsoft Laptop
  • Comprehensive medical insurance including dental and eye care allowances
  • 401K

Please forward your resume to A complete job description will be sent to candidates screened for an interview. All resumes are held in confidence.

We ask that interested applicants refrain from phone calls about this job. Candidates will be provided with detailed information at the appropriate time.



Departamento: Los mostradores de ventas en nuestros centros Westford y Waltham Hardscape sirven como departamento principal para todas las transacciones de ventas y cumplimiento de pedidos. Los Centros Hardscape sirven como enlace vital con nuestros clientes con interacción directa durante la realización de pedidos. El equipo de ventas interno es responsable de proporcionar información correcta sobre los productos, precios, estado de disponibilidad de los productos y procesar pedidos con precisión.

Resumen del trabajo: el vendedor interno debe adquirir un conocimiento profundo de los productos de la Compañía y su uso. Deben ser competentes para discutir los productos y explicar las técnicas y pasos básicos involucrados en el uso de los productos al cliente. Esta persona debe desarrollar y mantener una relación estrecha con las cuentas mayoristas, los clientes comerciales y los compradores habituales de la Compañía. El puesto implica realizar todas las funciones de venta normales, incluyendo ayudar a los clientes por teléfono, correo electrónico, mensajes de texto y en persona con su compra, escribir la venta con precisión e ingresar el pedido en nuestro sistema informático de “punto de venta” para su cumplimiento.

 Habilidades requeridas: La importancia de brindar un excelente servicio al cliente junto con las demandas de trabajar en el entorno acelerado de los Hardscape Centers requiere que el personal de ventas interno posea los siguientes habilidades.

  • Personalidad amigable y cortés.
  • Entusiasmo y capacidad de respuesta a las necesidades de los clientes.
  • Capacidad para tomar dirección y trabajar con otros.
  • Organizado e intuitivo.
  • Buenas habilidades verbales y escritas.
  • Poseer excelentes modales telefónicos.
  • Capacidad para utilizar y navegar en programas informáticos básicos, como MS Word, Excel y Outlook.
  • Conocer habilidades matemáticas básicas y transacciones divisas.
  • Tener una sólida ética de trabajo y capacidad de seguimiento.
  • Sea rápido, confiable y seguro.

Deberes y responsabilidades (incluyen, entre otros):

  • Adquirir un conocimiento profundo de las políticas y procedimientos de la Compañía.
  • Proporcionar información sobre el producto y las técnicas y pasos básicos involucrados en la construcción de pavimentos de concreto entrelazados y muros de contención paisajísticos a los clientes que visitan la ubicación del Centro de pedidos o llaman a la Compañía.
  • Proporcionar información sobre el producto y las técnicas y pasos básicos involucrados en la instalación y el uso de otros artículos relacionados con la industria, como accesorios de instalación de pavimentos, herramientas, piedra natural, materiales de construcción y más.
  • Participar en transacciones de ventas con clientes potenciales, guiándolos de manera cortés y profesional que los induzca a comprar los productos de la Compañía.
  • Sugerir artículos de valor para el pedido.
  • Cotizar precios según lo definido por el libro de precios o el supervisor.
  • Registrar con precisión y anotar los pedidos en el sistema correctamente.
  • Controlar el papeleo y mantener registros precisos de consultas, precios e información para que la gerencia tenga un barómetro para la toma de decisiones.
  • Mostrar un interés genuino en los clientes de la Compañía, su negocio y su bienestar.
  • Participar en la toma de inventario físico de fin de año.
  • Ayudar en la coordinación de la entrega de bienes según las indicaciones. § Proporcionar montaje, cobertura de stand y desglose de ferias comerciales según sea necesario.
  • Administre su tiempo para maximizar las ventas y la atención al cliente en todo momento.
  • Realizar otras tareas razonablemente relacionadas según se le indique.

 Horario: 6:30 a. m. a 4:00 p. m./4:30 p. m. de lunes a viernes

Para postularse, solicite en persona o llame al 781.894.3200 y pregunte por Joe.

Department:  The sales counters at our Westford and Waltham Hardscape Centers serve as the primary department for all sales transactions and order fulfillment. The Hardscape Centers serve as a vital liaison with our customers with direct interaction during the placement of orders. Inside sales team is responsible for providing correct product information, pricing, availability status of products, and accurately processing orders. 

Job Summary: The inside salesperson must acquire an in-depth knowledge of the Company’s products and their use. They must be competent in discussing the products and explaining the basic techniques and steps involved in using the products to the customer. This person must develop and maintain a close relationship with the Company’s wholesale accounts, trade customers, and regular purchasers. The position involves performing all normal selling functions, including assisting customers by phone, email, text, and in person with their purchase, accurately writing the sale, and entering the order into our “point of sale” computer system for fulfillment. 

Traits and Required Skills Sets: The importance of providing excellent customer service coupled with the demands of working in the fast-paced environment of the Hardscape Centers requires inside sales personnel to possess the following traits and skill sets.

  • Friendly, outgoing, and courteous personality.
  • Enthusiasm and responsiveness to customers’ needs.
  • Ability to take direction and work with others.
  • Organized and intuitive. 
  • Good verbal and written skills.
  • Possess excellent phone manners.
  • Ability to use and navigate basic computer programs, such as MS Word, Excel, and Outlook.
  • Know basic math skills and currency transactions.
  • Have a sound work ethic and ability to follow through.
  • Be prompt, reliable, and dependable.

Duties and Responsibilities (include but not limited to):

  • Acquire a thorough understanding of the Company’s policies and procedures. 
  • Provide product information and the basic techniques and steps involved in constructing interlocking concrete pavements and landscape retaining walls to customers who visit the Order Center location or call the Company.
  • Provide product information and the basic techniques and steps involved in installing and using other industry-related items, such as hardscape installation accessories, tools, natural stone, building materials, and more. 
  • Engage in sales transactions with prospective customers, guiding them in a courteous, professional manner that induces them to purchase the Company’s products.
  • Suggest value-added items to increase total sales dollars per order.
  • Quote prices as defined by the price book or supervisor.
  • Accurately record and enter orders into the system correctly. 
  • Control paperwork and keep accurate records of inquiries, pricing, and information so management has a barometer for decision-making.
  • Show a genuine interest in the Company’s customers, their business, and well-being.
  • Participate in taking year-end physical inventory.
  • Assist in coordinating the delivery of goods as directed.
  • Provide set-up, booth coverage, and breakdown of trade shows as needed.
  • Manage your time to maximize sales and customer support at all times.
  • Perform other reasonably related duties as directed.

Schedule: 6:30 AM to 4:00/4:30 PM Monday through Friday

To apply, please apply in person or call 781.894.3200 and ask for Joe.

Express Inside Sales / Yard Operations

Job Location

Waltham, MA

Position Type

Full Time

Job Shift

Monday – Friday, Occasional Saturday (40-50hrs wk)

Company Profile

We are a well-established, MA based manufacturing company, recognized as a leader in concrete pavers, landscape retaining walls, natural stone and related hardscape products. We have an immediate opening for an Outside Sales Executive position to promote and sell our brand. While hardscape experience is helpful, conscientious and enthusiastic entry level or experienced individuals will be considered. Do you have what it takes?

Job Description

Pavers by Ideal is hiring to fill an express inside sales position. Candidates will be responsible for inside sales at the express booth, overseeing certain functions of yard operations and assisting on a forklift when needed. Familiarity with point of sales computer programs and general sales procedures is preferred. Our Company embraces a consultative sales approach philosophy where our team acts as trusted advisors to customers by assisting them in identifying needs and providing meaningful advice and solutions that helps them achieve favorable outcomes when using Ideal’s products. The successful candidate must be able to establish and nurture trustful client relationships. Candidates must have exceptional organization and oversight capabilities. All applicants must have stable and dependable work history, possess good communication skills, be safety conscious, self-motivated and able to work with or without direction in our fast-paced environment.  Fork lift experience preferred.  Employee must be safe and courteous at all times while accurately serving our customers. Some background in general construction/hardscaping/masonry products and techniques is preferred, but not required. Bilingual is a plus.

Core Responsibilities:

  • Staffing Ideal’s outside Express Booth, where customers pull up to a drive through style window and place small, rapid sales orders. Orders also often come via email.
  • Coordinate and execute the majority of paperwork flow in the yard.
  • When orders are placed or sent over from the main sales office(s) for pickup at a later date, the candidate is responsible for making sure all orders are picked by the yard staff in the order they are received and in a timely manner.
  • During the busy season, forklift operation is often required to assist the yard staff in loading and unloading deliveries.
  • Rapidly assess situations and aid in the flow of traffic and incoming/outgoing vehicles, all while continuing to maintain the express window customers.


  • General knowledge of topics and techniques in the construction, hardscaping and masonry industry

  • Willingness to deliver customer satisfaction

  • Accurate entry of orders and record keeping

  • Ability to use a modern computer and phone system

  • Familiarity with common computer programs including Excel, Word, Outlook etc.

  • Safe operation of forklift

  • Strong attention to housekeeping and overall yard and office appearance

  • Ability to work in a team environment and adapt to rapidly changing situations

  • Strong persuasive and interpersonal skills and a sales aptitude

  • Strong verbal and written communication skills and good math skills

Our Compensation & Benefits Include:

  • $22/hr. with 30-day review.

  • Benefits include Medical/Dental/Life and 401K.  Personal and Vacation time accrues weekly.

Must wear long pants (No sweat Pants) and steel toed worked boots.  All other PPE available.


Please apply in person:

John Jr. or Joe

232 Lexington Street, Waltham


We are a drug free company; pre-employment testing will be arranged by Ideal to determine fitness as well as a drug screen.  All applicants must be fully compliant and eligible to work in the US. 

Plant Maintenance Purchasing

Job Location

Westford Manufacturing Plant – Westford, MA

Position Type

Full Time

Job Shift

Monday – Friday

Ideal Concrete Block is hiring for Plant Maintenance Purchasing.

Job Description:

The plant maintenance purchasing agent is based in the Westford plant and the positions activities center around supporting maintenance activities with parts and parts inventory. The ultimate goal of the position is to reduce downtime with predictive and preventative maintenance. Success in this position requires developing a working knowledge of plant equipment and maintenance challenges.

Key Responsibilities:

  • All aspects of researching and purchasing key maintenance parts and equipment
  • Purchasing required parts ahead of machine maintenance
  • Maintaining an organized inventory of critical plant parts to avoid unplanned downtime
  • Developing cost effective sources for quality repair materials and parts
  • Analyzing repetitive maintenance expenditures for root cause to improve reliability

Experience & Skills:

  • Solid background and experience in equipment maintenance
  • Knowledge of hydraulic, electrical, pneumatic, and mechanical equipment
  • Ability to understand equipment operation and maintenance issues
  • Purchasing Experience Preferred (not required)
  • Ability to communicate with suppliers and maintenance to expedite parts and services
  • Ability to read parts manuals and equipment schematics to identify parts
  • Strong computer skills for research and organization

Benefits include Medical/Dental/Life and 401K.  Personal and Vacation time accrues weekly. Schedule flexibility during shutdowns. 

Monday thru Friday 6:30-4:30pm, no nights or weekends.

Must wear long pants (no sweat pants) and steel toed worked boots.  All other PPE available.

Please apply in person:

Jim Jr or Steve

55 Power Rd, Westford 9-3 

We are a drug free company; pre-employment testing will be arranged by Ideal to determine fitness as well as a drug screen.  All applicants must be fully compliant and eligible to work in the US.  


Job Location

Westford Manufacturing Plant – Westford, MA

Position Type

Full Time

Job Shift

Monday – Friday, home every night


We are looking for truck and trailer drivers to deliver and distribute Pavers by Ideal product throughout the New England States to our dealers and contractors. Deliveries on flatbed trailers as well as deliveries with Moffett. Drivers will also pickup from vendors and deliver to both of our locations in Waltham and Westford. Some dump trailer also throughout the season.

Primary duties include the loading, unloading and delivery of Pavers by Ideal products to customers in a safe and efficient manner, as well as verifying product delivery counts and paperwork. As a member of our distribution and delivery team, promoting positive customer relations is a critical part of this position.

Perks include opportunity for overtime, paid vacation, personal and holiday time, and comprehensive medical/dental benefits. 


The qualified candidate will have

  • A current class “A” CDL license and will satisfactorily complete all Federal DOT requirements.
  • This position calls for an individual with good verbal communication skills; previous customer service experience is a plus.
  • Any applicant should be able to lift up to 75 pounds and have the ability to work independently, but also as part of a face-paced distribution team.
  • Prior knowledge of Pavers by Ideal products and the ability to operate a Forklift is a plus.
  • Must be dependable, on time, and posses a clean driving record.
  • Must be able to pass a DOT Physical Exam and drug test.


Job Location

Westford Manufacturing Plant – Westford, MA

Position Type

Full Time

Job Shift

Monday – Friday, home every night


We are looking for truck drivers to deliver and distribute Pavers by Ideal product throughout the New England States to contractors and homeowners. Deliveries on flatbed tri-axle truck with Moffett. Drivers will also pickup from vendors and deliver to both of our locations in Waltham and Westford. Some deliveries also completed with 6-wheel dump trucks throughout the year. 

Primary duties include the loading, unloading and delivery of Pavers by Ideal products to customers in a safe and efficient manner, as well as verifying product delivery counts and paperwork. As a member of our distribution and delivery team, promoting positive customer relations is a critical part of this position.

Perks include opportunity for overtime, paid vacation, personal and holiday time, and comprehensive medical/dental benefits.


The qualified candidate will have

  • A current class “B” CDL license and will satisfactorily complete all Federal DOT requirements.
  • This position calls for an individual with good verbal communication skills; previous customer service experience is a plus.
  • Any applicant should be able to lift up to 75 pounds and have the ability to work independently, but also as part of a face-paced distribution team.
  • Prior knowledge of Pavers by Ideal products and the ability to operate a Forklift is a plus.
  • Must be dependable, on time, and posses a clean driving record.
  • Must be able to pass a DOT Physical Exam and drug test.


Job Location

Waltham Location – Waltham, MA

Position Type

Full Time

Job Shift

Monday – Friday

Ideal Concrete Block is hiring for Yard /Customer Service positions.

Job Description:

Filling customer orders and loading various types of trucks and construction vehicles with pallets containing a variety of our concrete products.  All applicants must have stable and dependable work history, possess good communication skills, be safety conscious self motivated, able to work with or without direction, in our fast paced environment.  Fork Lift experience preferred.  Employee must be safe and courteous at all times while accurately serving our customers.  Employees are responsible for overall yard cleanliness and making certain that products and other materials are kept in good order. 


  • Willingness to deliver to customer satisfaction
  • Accurate filling of orders and record keeping
  • Safe operation of forklift 
  • Strong attention to housekeeping and overall yard appearance

Wages & Benefits:

$22/hr with 30 day review.

Benefits include Medical/Dental/Life and 401K.  Personal and Vacation time accrues weekly. 

Monday thru Friday 40-50 hours a week.

Must wear long pants (No sweat Pants) and steel toed worked boots.  All other PPE available.

Please apply in person:

John Jr. or Joe

232 Lexington Street, Waltham

We are a drug free company; pre-employment testing will be arranged by Ideal to determine fitness as well as a drug screen.  All applicants must be fully compliant and eligible to work in the US.  


Job Location

Westford Manufacturing Plant – Westford, MA

Position Type

Full Time

Job Shift

Monday – Thursday, ~Noon – Midnight


Provide in house maintenance and repair to four block and paver machines with ancillary equipment. Successful candidate will be capable to troubleshooting mechanical, electrical and hydraulic problems on heavy equipment. Candidate will need strong welding skills and must have an aptitude for repairing, modifying and building equipment and machinery.

Candidate must have a strong focus towards preventative maintenance and repairs that address root causes of equipment failure with an eye on safety with respect to everything that is done in the plant.

Candidate must have the ability to work independently as well as with operators to assure smooth operation of equipment.

Job Duties Include:

  • Routine Maintenance and repairs of block, paver and ancillary equipment
  • Mold Changes on Machines
  • Modification and improvement of existing equipment to improve productivity and reliability
  • Installation of new equipment and production equipment

Skills/Certifications Preferred:

  • Welding
  • Industrial Electrical (both PLC and limit switch technology)
  • Industrial hydraulic
  • Machining and threading
  • Mechanics including bearings
  • Forklift operation
  • Rigging and handling heavy equipment

Comprehensive Benefits include Accrued Vacation/Personal Time, Medical/Dental/Life Insurance and 401K.

Workers should be aware that the job involves working around noisy equipment. All PPE equipment will be available (Gloves, Ear & Eye Protection and Hard Hat if needed). Must wear full length pants (No Sweats) and Steel Toe work boots at all times. Ideal is a drug free company, all employees must be fully compliant and eligible to work in the US.  Must be 18+ to apply.

Applicants are encouraged to apply in person Monday thru Friday 9-3pm.

55 Power Rd, Westford  


Job Location

True Value by Ideal Hardware Store – Waltham, MA

Position Type

Part Time

Job Shift


True Value by Ideal is now hiring retail associates!

We are looking for socially confident retail associates to assist out customers with purchasing decisions, processing transactions, and maintaining a clean and visually appealing salesfloor. The retails associates responsibilities include assisting customers with questions, complaints and returns, processing payments, and arranging merchandise on the shelves and in displays. To be successful as a retail associate, you should have an outgoing personality and enjoy interacting with customers. Ultimately, an exceptional retail associate should be able to provide customers with seamless, positive shopping experience.

Retail associate requirements:

  • Hardware/home improvement skills.
  • Previous retail experience is beneficial.
  • Excellent customer service skills.
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Computer literate and basic math skills.
  • Available to work on Saturdays and holidays.
All applicants are asked to apply in person at 232 Lexington Street, Waltham. Please see the manager on duty.


Job Location

Westford Manufacturing Plant – Westford, MA

Position Type

Full Time

Job Shift

Monday – Friday


IDEAL CONCRETE BLOCK is hiring Production Personnel at our Westford Facility.

Monday thru Friday 6:00a.m.-4:30p.m. NO NIGHTS OR WEEKENDS!!

Manufacturing, Quality Control, Product Tumbling, Product Packaging

Job Description: Personnel are responsible for the daily processing, packaging and QC of manufactured concrete paving stones and wall systems. This includes but is not limited to working with our production team to safely and efficiently operate a Tumbling Production & Packaging Line.

  • Quality Control of Product as processed through the production line.
  • Working at a steady pace with a sense of urgency.
  • Picking and QC-ing of Non-Tumbled Pavers, also manufactured on the line.
  • Sorting of wood pallets when product is not needed to be processed.
  • General maintenance/housekeeping as needed.

Wages: Start at $19.10/hr. 30 day review.

PLUS… Comprehensive Benefits include: Accrued Vacation/Personal Time, Medical/Dental/Life Insurance and 401K.

Workers should be aware that the job involves working around noisy equipment. All PPE equipment will be available (Gloves, Ear & Eye Protection and Hard Hat if needed). Must wear full length pants (No Sweats) and Steel Toe work boots at all times. Ideal is a drug free company, all employees must be fully compliant and eligible to work in the US.  Must be 18+ to apply.

Applicants are encouraged to apply in person Monday thru Friday 9-3pm.

55 Power Rd, Westford – Please see Jim Jr or Stephen            

Don’t see the position you are looking for? Don’t worry! Contact us via the information below and we can connect you with someone who can guide you to applying in the area you were looking for!

Start Your New Career Today

If you are ready to start on the path to a career with Ideal, simply contact us and we will set up the application and interview process!

For job opportunities at our Westford, MA location, or on the road, please call us at 978-692-3076, or email us at

For job opportunities at our Waltham, MA location, please call us at 781-894-3200, or email us at

For job opportunities at our Waltham, MA True Value hardware store, please call the store at 781-894-2188, or email

Depending on the position you are looking to apply for, Ideal Concrete Block Co. may ask you to apply in person.

Do you know someone who might be interested in applying? Use the links below to share this page.
